
Our editors boast more than 60 years of experience in employment law and HR related topics. Find advice to those tricky issues such as when to terminate, as well as stay up to date with the latest regulations as they occur.

Document termination decision before telling worker

Employees who think they’re about to be disciplined or fired often look for ways to delay or prevent the inevitable. A favorite tactic: invoking the job protections built into the FMLA and ADA. However, there’s a foolproof way to protect against these frivolous charges.

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Use this simple log system to document employee performance

Advise your organization’s managers never to rely on memory to evaluate an employee’s performance. Instead, create a simple recording system for them to use.

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How to conduct legally smart exit interviews

Exit interviews are great tools for understanding how to reduce turnover. However, you must take care to minimize legal liability during those meetings.

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HR New Year’s cleaning: Employment document retention guidelines

In the name of organization, HR professionals and managers alike have been known to accidentally discard a document, whether paper or electronic, that they shouldn’t have. So in your quest to clean out overflowing file cabinets or email inboxes for the new year, take your time and follow these guidelines.

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Weigh pros and cons before you approve a performance-improvement plan

When performance-improvement plans work, everyone wins. But when PIPs are used to justify terminations, they sometimes cause more problems than they solve. Poorly applied, they create legal liability.

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Win lawsuits by documenting consistent, equitable interview process

When interviewing more than one candidate to fill a job, the easiest way to prevent failure-to-hire lawsuits is to ask the same questions of every candidate. That’s especially important when there are several rounds of interviews or when a committee conducts the interviews.

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What to do if you suspect workplace thievery

Fraud prevention experts believe in the 10-10-80 rule: 10% of employees never steal, 10% do and the rest will go either way depending on the circumstances. It’s often up to HR to play workplace cop.

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Disciplinary meetings: 4 tips for doing them right

How the discipline meeting is conducted can mean the difference between turning around a marginal employee and opening the organization to costly litigation.

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4 steps for implementing a litigation hold

Follow four steps to implement a litigation hold on e-documents.

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What details must we get in writing when it comes to documenting discipline?

Q: Can you please clarify the specific points we should get in writing when it comes to documentation and what details must be included?

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