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Keep your HR department ahead of the law and the latest HR trends. From legally managing remote work to navigating mental health in the workplace without running afoul of the ADA and FMLA, we’ve got the HR stories and human resource management information that you need to stay ahead while creating a healthy and legal work environment.
Whether working for a law firm or in-house, it can be difficult to keep up with the changing legal landscape. We’ll keep you up-to-date on the latest cases and rulings on things like arbitration agreements, challenges by the NLRB and new DOL rulings on independent contractors.
Leaders have to wear a lot of hats, and, unfortunately saying, “I didn’t know that” won’t hold up in court. From navigating the FLSA’s overtime and minimum-wage rules to staying in compliance with FTC regulations, you’ll have the tools you need to keep yourself and your managers up to speed on the most important employment law regulations - without needing a legal degree.
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